How Much Did Scott Pay to Become a Lord

How To Become A Lord

What comes to your mind when you think about the title Lord?

Perhaps you think about privilege, the aristocracy or the elite few of society. Or maybe you think about traditional old English families with their inherited wealth and status.

Lordships have been around for centuries and have associations with nobility and English tradition. But it was William the Conqueror who increased their popularity. He bestowed titles on a number of his followers and supporters after he came to power in 1066. What's more, by 1086 when the Doomsday Book was commissioned, at least 13,000 titles were recorded.

How to become a Lord in modern England

As you know, the title Lord is still in use in modern English society. For example: Followers of hit show The Apprentice will be familiar with Lord Alan Sugar. The famous World War 1 recruitment poster that announced, "your country needs YOU" featured the military leader Lord Horatio Kitchener. Lord Snowdon is the famous photographer who was once married to Princess Margaret. And the international ambassador for the Wedgwood pottery company is hereditary peer Lord Wedgwood.

These four famous Lords have a title of nobility and became a Lord because they either:

1: Inherited their title: For example, hereditary peer Lord Wedgwood became a Lord following the death of his father when the title passed to him.

2: Were given a life peerage: The Queen can also make someone a Lord. She bestows Life Peerages following recommendations by the Prime Minister or the House Of Lords Appointments Commission. These people often sit in the House of Lords and include the likes of Lord Sugar.

BUT there is a third route…

Did you know there's a further alternative – if you'd like to become a Lord for show purposes…

You simply buy a legal, professional "presumed title" from Elite Titles. And with prices starting at just £195 it's affordable too.

You can choose your name

Under UK and International Law you have the right to call yourself and be known as anything you like – as long as you are not doing it for fraudulent purposes.

What's more, it's much easier to become a Lord than you imagine. Simply complete your Elite Order Form and supply your payment details, and you'll receive a document package that confirms your new presumed title in the post.

Your document package includes the following:

1: A Certificate of Title: This beautiful presentation piece certifies your change of title to Lord.

2: A Title Deed: (Otherwise known as a Change of Title Deed Poll). This is a formal contract that legally binds you to giving up your old title and using your new title for all purposes.

In addition, because your new presumed title can be used on all personal and legal documents, you'll also receive comprehensive details explaining how you can add Lord to your driving licence, bank account, credit card and passport etc.

Land registration document.

So if you'd like to become a Lord, why not start the process today?

Simply make your purchase and you'll receive your new, official title within days.

And whilst your presumed title will not gain you access to the House of Lords or a country manor and other inherited assets, you could find it's a fun way to enjoy a little "taste of the high life"!

In fact, if you want to discover more about the VIP benefits other customers have enjoyed since buying their title, check out our testimonials.

Buy now

How Much Did Scott Pay to Become a Lord


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